Food & Cooking

I inherited the culinary tradition of land and sea from my mother Anna. Her specialties are undoubtedly fish dishes, a food that has always played a central role in the history of the our family.

For example, stewed or braised sea bream, monkfish with wild fennel, mussels Ancona-style, squid with paccasassi, linguine with scampi.

The recipes with meat are prepared with Marche breed meat and organic white meat.

When you can made a vegetarian dinner that is also appreciated by the ‘omnivores’, without making them regret the fish or meat, it means that you have found the right recipe in terms of taste and substance.

Some recipes are for example legume and vegetable salad, cold cicerchia soup, fusilli with pistachio cream and sun-dried cherry tomatoes, Carnaroli risotto with Verdicchio brut sparkling wine, vegetable omelette.


Legambiente turismo  association  has organized an initiative by title “Recommended structures for their commitment to environmental protection where has rewarded us for the “Enhancement of organic gastronomy and traditional”

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Eating out

To be accredited by the celiac association you must:

  • participate in a course on celiac disease and a gluten-free diet organized by the Italian Celiac Association (AIC)
  • complete the training with subsequent meetings / courses at the same exercise by local AIC
  • follow all the rules supplied by the AIC for the preparation and administration of gluten-free food  to avoid the risks of contamination
  • use only gluten-free ingredients
  • periodically receive information material of the association
  • allow periodic inspections by the local AIC and a thorough annual check
  • sign an agreement with AIC in which the owner agrees to comply with all the terms listed above

Above all, be accredited by AIC it means to be accountable to the people who rely on us with confidence. This involves commitment and seriousnessalimentazionefuoricasa

We wait for you

Albergo Cantarini
Via Litoranea 90
60026 Numana (AN)
Telefono: 071 739 0858
Mobile: 339 147 8816
E-mail: info –
Albergo Cantarini – CIN: IT042032A10ZP3EA4M
La Battigia – CIN: IT042032B4SVIVEZKW